I have a suggestion to Labour MP 's.if you want to have a prayer at winning the next election, dump bumbler Brown and elect a chinese Judge as your leader. 我有一个建议给工党议员们,如果你们想祈祷下次选举胜利,丢弃笨蛋布朗,选一个中国法官当你们的领导。
Meanwhile the election season is under way, and voters need to judge the integrity of political parties. 然而选举季已经迫在眉睫,选民们需要断定政党的正直度。
Six days after the election was over with no one being declared president, Bush's team asked a federal judge in Miami to stop recounting a portion of the vote by hand in selected counties. 美国总统大选已进入第六天,小布什和戈尔尚未能自诩当选,小布什甚至要求迈阿密一名联邦法官停止对某些郡的部份选票采人工计票。